Thursday 7 July 2016

Book Review- Getting into Medical School

Despite it being the Summer holidays, the weather has been pretty miserable here in Wales (not a huge surprise). Rather than retreating to my room and binge watching Netflix, I decided I would try to put my time to good use and start some further medical reading.
I was given the book Getting into Medical School (2015 entry) by the headmaster at the sixth form I'll be joining in September and thought I'd recommend it as a good read for anyone aspiring to pursue a medical career. Instead of just looking at the importance of good grades, James Barton and Simon Horner address topical medical issues such as childhood obesity, MRSA and private medicine, focussing on how questions around these subjects could be approached at university interviews. They also include a section on the structure of the National Health Service along with reforms and recent challenges, personally I found this particularly interesting as it includes all of the jargon and specific details you need for your interview without being over complicated. The book provides advice on UCAS application, BMAT and UKAT testing and a list of further medical reading texts, which I'll hopefully be able to look at in the future.
I'll be going on a two week work placement in the Pathology unit of my local hospital beginning next week and should be able to write a blog about it for you soon, until then I hope you have a great week and enjoy the brief moments of British sunshine.
- Olivia x

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